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You may download and customize this planning template based on the credit card offers that you accept and your own expenses. 


  • Consider your household budget and identify any typical payments that may be charged to a credit card each month, including groceries, fuel, insurance, utilities, internet, cable, clothes and entertainment.

  • Add any extra expenses that you may have in the next year, such as home or car repairs or medical and dental expenses, and add those to the list.

  • Adjust the plan below based on this information. You may take more or less time to earn the points you need for free travel.

  • Travel free!

  • Send us your free travel story and photos to share.  

Washington D.C.

Sample Budget

Cards 1 - 3: 100,000 United MileagePlus points plus fees.

- 40

Cards 4 - 8: 160,000 Hilton HHonors points for four (4) free nights plus $200/night additional nights (apply travel credit below).

- 400

Car Rental

Apply travel credit below.

- 400


Hotel valet parking $15/day.

- 90


Daily free breakfast and free dinner Mon. - Thurs. in hotel. Cash for additional in-room food, lunches and metro.

- 270

Travel Credit

Cards 8 - 9

+ 800

Cash Back

Cards 10 - 13

+ 400

Please reload

Total Out of Pocket:     $ 0

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©2014 Free Travel Genie. All rights reserved. provides credit card comparison and planning assistance to help our friends and family earn points for free travel. Unlike other sites, we are not compensated by third parties for referrals, product placement or product advertising. Opinions expressed here are the author's alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, airline or hotel, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. Credit card and loyalty program offers and terms change frequently; please carefully review official offers, terms and conditions on merchant, credit card issuer and program web sites. Although reasonable efforts are made to maintain accurate information, all information is presented without warranty or representations. 

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