World Changer
Sign up for the free airline frequent flyer program of your choice before opening new accounts. Linking your frequent flyer number to your credit accounts up front will save time later.
If you are still building credit, ask your parents to earn and book free airfare for you. You might be surprised at what they are willing to do to get you out of the country.
Have one of your parents open a frequent flyer account in their name with your airline of choice.
Have both parents open the accounts needed to earn miles in that program. If possible they should both transfer miles earned to single frequent flyer account in one of their names.
Most frequent flyer programs allow you to book free airfare on someone else's behalf as long as the person traveling agrees.
Plan extended layover of up to 24 hours each way in connection city for no additional cost on most airlines. Book 1-night hotel in connection city to relax, refresh and see a few sights.
Barclaycard travel credit must be applied within 120 days of earning, so timing of card and booking travel is important.